Professionals across the career spectrum have moments where they fear they’re becoming obsolete. Different from the occasional bout of self-doubt, this fear can make you fundamentally question your professional significance. Here’s how to reclaim your agency and stay relevant—no matter where you are in your career journey.
Assess your unique talents. Take an honest inventory of your skills. Seek feedback from colleagues and mentors to identify what makes you valuable. Recognize and build on these strengths—and stay open to developing new ones.
Focus on abilities that technology can’t replace. Human traits like empathy, curiosity, resilience, and leadership will always be in demand and will equip you to adapt to future roles.
Honor the past, focus on the future. Celebrate your past achievements, but don’t dwell on them. Nostalgia won’t secure future opportunities; your ability to adapt and innovate will. So pack away your “trophies” and look forward. 

Bridge generational gaps. If you’re senior in your career, share your knowledge and mentor others. Collaboration across generations enriches both your legacy and future potential, keeping everyone’s skills sharp.
Seek new challenges. Think of uncertainty as a chance to grow. Step out of your comfort zone and volunteer to take on new projects. This demonstrates your willingness to learn and adapt and reinforces your relevance.
This tip is adapted from “Face Your Fear of Becoming Obsolete,” by Ron Carucci