In every organization, top performers are the driving force behind innovation, productivity, and excellence. Yet despite their critical importance, they’re often overlooked. Here are five ways managers can keep these indispensable team members engaged and motivated. 

Understand how they want to be appreciated. For some, a quiet word of thanks or a thoughtful note might suffice, while others may appreciate being acknowledged in a team meeting or on a professional platform like LinkedIn. 

Provide high achievers opportunities to stretch their abilities. This could be through challenging assignments or cross-departmental projects. Offer them the tools, resources, and autonomy they need to succeed, and check in to see how they’re progressing.

Conduct regular check-ins about career advancement. It’s not enough to provide vague promises of future opportunities; these employees need a clear, actionable pathway for moving forward.

Don’t micromanage. Trust high achievers with authority that matches their responsibility. Define the outcomes you’re looking for, but give them the freedom to decide how to get there.

Understand their values. To uncover what drives a high performer, ask, “What part of your work gives you the most energy?” Then go deeper with, “What kind of impact do you want your work to have on the company or industry?”
This tip is adapted from Stop Ignoring Your High Performers,” by Ruth Gotian.