The image people hold of you in their minds can influence high-stakes decisions like promotions and job offers, so maintaining a current personal brand is crucial for professional success. Here’s how to keep your brand fresh and relevant, especially if you’ve been working to develop new skills.
Clarify your vision. How do you want others to perceive you? Define the specific traits you want to be known for and associated with—aligned with your professional goals and potential future jobs. Look to role models for inspiration. 
Identify gaps. How do others currently see you? Seek feedback from trusted colleagues to gauge public perception, and pinpoint areas where your brand image needs updating.
Create a tactical plan. As you work on building new skills and attributes, consistently showcase them to others. Volunteer for roles that highlight your new abilities, and correct misconceptions by demonstrating your growth in visible ways.
Embrace strategic patience. Remember: Rebranding takes time. Be patient as others adjust to the new you. Reinforce your updated image through consistent actions.
This tip is adapted from “Your Personal Brand Needs a Refresh. Here’s Where to Start.,” by Dorie Clark and Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic