Gain More Confidence in Your Managerial Judgment
Transitioning from being an individual contributor to a people manager is hard. You’re no longer only responsible for your own work and…
Use Curiosity to Keep Your Meetings on Track
Are your meetings chronically disengaging—or worse, easily derailed? It may be time to introduce curiosity into the agenda to keep people focused…
Align Your Team Around a Common Vision of Success
Is your team aligned around what success looks like in the coming year? Early in the year is a prime opportunity to…
How to Stop Ruminating
It’s totally normal to ruminate on stressful situations, whether it’s a nagging problem at work or a personal conflict that’s making you…
Spot a Toxic Workplace—Before Accepting the Job
When you work in a toxic workplace, the signs can be easy to recognize. Yelling and bullying, lots of gossip, and unsustainable…
Reject a Job Offer Without Burning a Bridge
You got a great job offer—but realized it’s not the right fit for you at the moment. Here’s how to navigate the…
When Your Manager Brings in Someone Above You
Finding out that your manager is bringing in someone else above you, a practice known as “layering,” can lead to feelings of…
Reduce Your Vulnerability to Layoffs
What should you do if you’re working under the cloud of impending layoffs? You can’t always control the outcome. But you can…
Moving from Territorial to Collaborative Leadership
Do you feel the need to compete with your peers for people, investments, and attention? This individualistic, “fend for yourself” approach to…
Become a More Agile Learner
Learning agility—the skill of learning from experiences so you can succeed in new situations—is key to becoming a better employee and leader….