Keeping up with the news is important, but it doesn’t have to overwhelm you. Here’s how to strike a balance and stay informed—without spiraling.

Get perspective. More news isn’t always good for you. Take breaks when headlines feel overwhelming, and remember: how you respond matters more than how much you consume.

Be judicious and deliberate. Stick to trustworthy news sources and focus on topics that truly impact your life. Avoid reaction-driven social media and read full, balanced stories. Set boundaries for when you check the news—for example, after breakfast, not before bed—and stop turning to headlines out of boredom.

Develop healthier habits. If you feel consumed by negativity, replace compulsive scrolling with grounding activities like meditation, journaling, or hobbies that ease tension and build focus.

Transform anxiety into action. Replace passive worry with meaningful action. Volunteer, advocate for legislation, or support community initiatives to make a difference and feel less powerless.

Consume your news the old-fashioned way.  Digital news and social media often fuel anxiety. Try reading print newspapers or magazines for a more focused and less overwhelming experience.
This tip is adapted from “How to Keep Up with the News Without Getting Overwhelmed,” by Rebecca Knight.
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