Think high performers only leave for more money or better opportunities? Wrong. One of the most common reasons star employees leave is that they feel unnoticed and undervalued at work. To retain top talent, demonstrate their value by taking these three essential actions.

Notice. Go beyond surface-level interactions. Regularly check in with your employee, paying attention to their well-being—not just their workload and achievements. Notice when they seem stressed or disconnected, and offer support before issues escalate. And as you conduct these check-ins, be sure to have a method of noting your observations week to week. 

Affirm. When your employee succeeds or performs well, offer focused, meaningful feedback. Avoid vague praise like “great job”—instead, highlight specific actions and explain the unique impact they had. For example, show you value their unique contributions by mentioning how their attention to detail prevented problems or improved team performance.

Show they’re needed. Reinforce your employee’s importance by connecting their work to the team’s success. Share data, feedback, or outcomes that illustrate how their efforts make a difference. Recognize their irreplaceable role by saying, “If it wasn’t for you…” and detailing how they’ve influenced positive results.
This tip is adapted from “3 Ways to Make Sure High Performers Feel Valued,” by Zach Mercurio.
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