For a workplace to truly thrive, it must be inclusive. It’s time to shift from performative DEI efforts to a new, more effective model: the FAIR framework. FAIR focuses on Fairness, Access, Inclusion, and Representation, delivering tangible outcomes for all workers. Here’s how to start.

Fairness. Set everyone up for success by addressing bias and favoritism in systems like pay, promotions, and opportunities. Use tools like evaluation rubrics, transparent criteria, and upskilling to ensure accountability and equity.

Access. Remove barriers that prevent employees from participating at work, such as rigid schedules and holding important events on religious holidays. This includes designing environments, products, and processes that meet a diverse range of needs, ensuring everyone can engage equally. 

Inclusion. Foster a culture where people feel respected and safe being who they are. Replace one-off events like “lunch and learns” or cultural heritage celebrations with systemic changes, such as inclusive workplace norms and policies that prioritize psychological and physical safety.  

Representation. Build trust by ensuring leadership listens to and advocates for the needs of all groups. Representation isn’t about quotas; it’s about participatory decision-making, transparency, and creating systems that reflect everyone’s voice.
This tip is adapted from What Comes After DEI” by Lily Zheng.
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