Leadership talent for three lines of Defense
Over the last few years, the types and magnitude of risks are increasing, and companies involve the risk function to a greater extent in several key decision making areas. In spite of significant investments in risk management structures and technologies, companies remain vulnerable to a host of enterprise, operational and regulatory risks; besides crime and fraud that are exacerbated by the digital, online nature of today’s business environment.
"Risk managers are now taking their place among company senior management teams and being integrated into many firms' strategic processes."
To support this disruptive arena, our Risk Management practice is focused on hiring senior leaders across the three lines of defence in Effective Risk Management and Control.
We understand the market dynamics in the risk management space very well and so as your business objective and targets too. Our in-depth business experience in senior management roles empowers us, with an ability to understand the needs and expectations of both our clients and candidates.
The Three Lines of Defense Model
Global Risk Management - Areas of Focus
In today's world, risks can come from various sources such as lack of adequate safe guards in financial markets and services, threats from operational failures, natural causes or disasters and Information Technology systems. Our Global Risk Management practice, consisting of highly qualified consultants will help clients mitigate risk by helping them find strategic talent with regional and global experience in Business Risk, Actuarial & Catastrophic expertise and Internal Audit & compliance.
Risk Oversight & Internal Audit