Making a career transition is never easy, and it may feel downright impossible when financial responsibilities get in the way. Here are some ways to initiate a big pivot that might entail a pay cut.

* Validate your interests. Do you really want what you think you want? Do some research and reach out to folks in the industry to make sure the career you’re daydreaming about is actually worthy of your fantasy.

* Talk to the people you’re closest to. Have an upfront, transparent dialogue with your partner, family, or anyone who will be affected by your potential loss in earnings. Being proactive about this conversation will help you avoid drama and plan your finances responsibly.

* Stretch your time horizon. You don’t necessarily need to take a big leap; small steps can help you get started on your transition. Make use of the free time you already have to start developing skills, networking, and experimenting in the new industry you’re interested in.

* Transfer internally or reinvent your existing job. Talk to your manager or HR about other opportunities in the organization. Even if an internal move isn’t possible, you may find ways to make your current job more interesting. With this approach, you’re far more likely to retain your current salary and seniority, even if you’re shifting into a role where you lack experience.
This tip is adapted from “How to Make a Career Pivot — Without Taking a Pay Cut,” by Dorie Clark

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