The accelerated pace of technological change is reshaping jobs in ways that require you to constantly reinvent your career. Here are three ways to make what can feel like a daunting transition easier.

First, finding your next role almost always takes longer than you expect. If you want your liminal period—where you must navigate between a past that’s clearly over and a future that’s still uncertain—to lead to real discovery, you need to experiment with divergent possibilities while delaying commitment to any one of them.

Next, human beings are very good at either-or thinking: Either I’m leveraging my old skill set or I’m pivoting to something new. But making a career transition usually entails doing both simultaneously. Consider staying in your old job while exploring your options until something new becomes viable.

Finally, when it comes to making a career change, the connections you already have might not be that helpful. You need to build new relationships in two ways: by bridging, which involves creating or reactivating relationships beyond your current social circle; and by bonding, which involves deepening ties and finding community within a close circle of kindred spirits.
This tip is adapted from “Why Career Transition Is So Hard,” by Herminia Ibarra

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