You won’t always agree with every decision senior leadership makes. But as a manager, you still have a responsibility to communicate those decisions to your team. Here’s how to prepare for these difficult conversations.

Start by regulating your own emotions. You need to bring a measured approach to the conversation with your team. Process your own feelings before you talk to them.

Then gather all the available information.. Ask for clarity on how management reached the decision. What criteria were used? What alternatives were considered? What broader factors were in play that perhaps are outside your visibility?

When you do talk to your team, don’t throw senior management under the bus. You can acknowledge your disappointment and empathize compassionately with theirs—but stop short of showing anger or resentment.

Remember, your job is to explain the decision, not defend it. Providing clarity about the broader context and influences at play can summon a degree of empathy from your team—and the assumption of positive intent.
This tip is adapted from How to Talk to Your Team About a Decision You Disagree With,” by Ron Carucci

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