Working with a condescending colleague is irritating at best and detrimental to your career at worst. How can you deal with an overconfident coworker who always talks down to you? 

First, take a moment to (internally) roll your eyes. Try to be lighthearted about it. Remember: Their attitude has more to do with them than it does with you. 

Then decide whether it’s really worth it to speak up. Is this a recurring pattern, or just a one-time occurrence? Distinguish between interactions that are mildly irritating and those that affect your well-being or prevent you from doing your work. 

Next, try to separate what they said from how they said it. If you choose not to address their condescension, respond to the information or feedback they’re communicating, and disregard their tone. 

Finally, schedule a conversation about how their communication style affects you. Plan what you’re going to say in advance. For example: “I sometimes get the sense that you don’t think I know how to do my job well. When you tell me how to do something that I already know how to do, it makes me feel like you don’t trust me.” Be prepared to give specific examples.
This tip is adapted from How to Deal with a Condescending Colleague,” by Amy Gallo

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