Do you manage someone who’s been delivering lackluster results and offering only excuses? An unreliable employee is one of the most frustrating obstacles you can face as a boss. But don’t give up on them just yet; you can take steps to get them back on track. Start with the basics: Clarify goals and tie them to the team’s broader purpose. Describe what good, bad, and unacceptable outcomes would look like. Once you and your employee agree upon a set of clear objectives and expectations, you’ll be able to hold them accountable—and provide specific feedback—if they deliver subpar results. Next, get aligned on process. Provide detail about the steps required to complete their work at a high level, perhaps even giving them a tutorial of the workflow. And be sure to field their questions early; addressing them at the outset will prevent the future excuse that they didn’t know how to tackle the project. Finally, if you suspect they simply lack the motivation to get the work done, clarify what’s at stake if they don’t deliver. Explain that successfully delivering work will lead to a variety of positive outcomes, bolstering their reputation and opening up future opportunities—and that failing to do so will have the opposite effect.
This tip is adapted from “How to Manage an Employee Who Always Makes Excuses,” by Liane Davey

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