Working for an overachiever can feel inspiring, but it can also be exhausting. If you’re worried about reporting to a manager with sky-high standards, here are some strategies that can help you work with them more effectively. Start by adjusting your expectations—and theirs. Be brutally honest with yourself about your bandwidth and ability to complete the work you’re being asked to do. What are some challenges you could face? What are you totally unequipped to handle? What’s a realistic (like, really realistic) timeline? Next, communicate those expectations clearly and unapologetically to your boss. Work together to anticipate the support you might need, answer the questions you might have, and establish a clear forecast of what you can and cannot achieve. This conversation will not only help you avoid overpromising and underdelivering, but it could also reveal potential growth opportunities to you and your boss. Finally, if your overachieving manager is bombarding you with competing requests, ask them to help you prioritize. Give them a clear window into what you’re working on so they can help you decide what to do first and how much time to spend on it.
This tip is adapted from “When Your Boss Is an Overachiever,” by Jeff Tan

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