When people are happy at work, both the employee and employer benefit. And yet, many people feel increasingly disconnected, bored, and disengaged in their jobs. As a manager, what can you do to foster genuine happiness on your team? It comes down to three factors:

* Reimagining flexibility. Flexibility isn’t just about where people work—autonomy and freedom are critical elements. Ask your team what they want the freedom to do, and do your best to accommodate their wants and needs.

* Building belonging. Look for opportunities to foster community and relationships on your team. Ask your employees direct questions like, “Do you feel connected to your colleagues at work?” and “We’re open to feedback—how can we increase a sense of belonging for you and others?” 

* Restoring purpose. Happiness at work has to come from a deep, intrinsic connection to why people are there—whether that’s to support their families or because they feel a values-based connection to the organization’s mission. Craft and emphasize a collective mission on your team and help your employees remain aligned around it..
This tip is adapted from “Creating a Happier Workplace Is Possible — and Worth It,” by Jennifer Moss

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