As a manager, it’s easy to absorb the emotional burdens of your team. Hearing about an employee’s burnout or mental health challenges, family or relationship problems, medical concerns, or financial stressors can take a toll on your own well-being. Here are some strategies for taking care of yourself so you can support your team.
Seek to understand. When listening to others, you can avoid taking on their negative emotions by adopting an information-seeking stance. Ask questions to understand their situation—without internalizing their feelings. 
Set clear boundaries. Protect your time by scheduling office hours and group sessions. Remember, your role is to support your team professionally—not to act as a therapist. Redirect employees to professional resources when necessary.
Reflect on your impact. Acknowledge the beneficial effects of your efforts. Reflecting on how you’re supporting your employees can protect your emotional state and reduce burnout.
Prioritize self-care. Seek support from peers, a therapist, or a coach. Practice self-compassion and recognize that you can’t fix everyone’s problems, and take regular breaks to replenish your energy.
This tip is adapted from “When Your Team Offloads Their Stress onto You,” by Dina Denham Smith