Struggling to delegate? Especially as a first-time leader, it can be difficult to let go of control and trust your team to execute tasks on your behalf. These strategies can help.
Change your mindset. First, accept that you can’t (and shouldn’t) do everything yourself. Your success now depends on helping your team grow and achieve their goals. This means guiding them, offering learning opportunities, and holding them accountable.
Determine what to delegate. List all your tasks and projects for the month, then identify the high-level work only you can do and delegate the rest. Look for projects that might be learning opportunities for your employees and align these responsibilities with their strengths and career goals.
Communicate clearly. Schedule one-on-one meetings with your team members to delegate work. Explain the project, its importance, and why you’ve chosen them to do it. Give them space to ask questions and process the information. Establish clear roles and timelines and align on communication styles to ensure clarity and avoid micromanaging.
Provide feedback. During check-ins, offer constructive feedback and resources. Celebrate milestones and recognize your employees’ efforts publicly.
Review and reflect. After your employee completes an assignment, conduct a postmortem. Discuss what went well, what didn’t, and what they learned. This will help you improve your delegation skills and better support your team moving forward.
This tip is adapted from “Learning to Delegate as a First-Time Manager,” by Shanna Hocking