As a leader on an executive team, your success depends not just on individual talent but on how effectively members function together. Collectively embracing five core traits—direction, discipline, drive, dynamism, and collaboration—can transform what you achieve as a unit. Here’s how.
Direction. Effective teams align on shared goals, setting clear short- and long-term priorities. Without alignment, even the most ambitious vision can falter.
Discipline. Top teams stick to routines, maintain productive meetings, and ensure everyone knows their roles. Discipline provides the structure needed for decision-making and execution.
Drive. The most effective leadership teams are resilient, debating constructively and working hard to overcome obstacles. They thrive in crises because they don’t shy away from problems—they tackle them head-on.
Dynamism. Successful teams adapt and respond quickly to change, embracing risk and learning from failure without fear.
Collaboration. Collaborative behaviors include developing personal relationships, giving everybody an equal voice, and sticking to commitments. Top teams foster trust and connection and aren’t afraid to hold each other accountable.
This tip is adapted from “Teamwork at the Top,” by Gregory LeStage et al.