Workplace bullying can take many different forms. As a leader, you need to be equipped to identify and prevent it on your team. Here’s how. Start by watching for signs of hostile bullying(for example, shouting at someone in anger). Hostility is typically triggered by resource scarcity and overall stress. To address this aggressive, overt form of bullying, reduce the pressure of unrealistic deadlines, unmanageable workloads, and toxic workplace competition—and emphasize the importance of teamwork and collective goals. You might also invest in training employees in non-violent communication. Next, look out for the signals of indirect bullying (for example, spreading rumors about someone). To reduce this covert form of bullying, ensure transparent, fair, equitable, and legitimate reward systems. A level playing field will reduce credit-stealing, bragging, and other less-obvious forms of bullying. Finally, consider conducting 360-degree surveys to gather more information about your employees’ experiences, and intervene if signs of bullying emerge. It’s important to create a psychologically safe environment where the least-powerful people on your team feel comfortable raising an issue.
This tip is adapted from “How Bullying Manifests at Work—and How to Stop It,” by Ludmila N. Praslova et al.

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